ARAVEN FIFO Ingredient Bin

Item Code:
Item NumberDimensionsGN / Volume
09146 / 172941H 395X200X200mmGN1/3 (7Ltr)
09145 / 172941G 415X340X200mmGN2/3 (16Ltr)
09144 / 172941F 565X340X200mmGN1/1 (23Ltr)
00918 / 172941E 565X340X400mmGN1/1 (50Ltr)


2-openings allows FIFO (first-in-first-out) practice, which is a HACCP recommendation.

Allows access of ingredients without having to unstack containers. Sizing according to GastroNorm (GN) standard.

Translucent for easy identification of contents.

Comes with permanent traceability label and colour clips for food hygiene regulation compliance.

Round edges and side handles to facilitate easy cleaning and handling.

Enquire for information on material properties as well as BPA-free, HACCP, NSF and other certifications.